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Documetum Repository Migration

Introduction There are four basic options when it comes to moving a docbase: • Documentum dump and load • Third party move applications • Complete file system move • Database extract and Docbase content move Each method has its advantages, disadvantages and constraints. Here is a general listing of things…


DFC Operations

DFC Operations: Are used to manipulate these objects Set of Tasks bundled into one “EXECUTE” Get the document Add to the operation Execute the operation Operation acts upon nodes Operations are Inbound Outbound Examples : IDfImportOperation, IDfCheckoutOperation. Types Of Operations: DFC Operations Package: The Operations package offer some unique advantages…


Business Object Framework(BOF)

About BOF: BOF’s main goals are to centralize and standardize the process of customizing. Set of functionality introduced in Documentum 5.3 that allows developers to extend the Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC). Always executes when it is supposed to, regardless of the client program. Inherits, and can extend, the implementation of…


TBO Implementation

Type-based business objects (TBOs) are the most common types of business objects. They correspond to custom object types in the Docbase and used to apply custom business logic to those object types. You can create a TBO by extending a DFC object such as DFDocument. Type-based objects allow developers to…


SBO Implementation

A service-based business object doesn’t map to a particular object type in the Docbase. Instead, it provides general purpose functions for your application to use. Service-based objects can be used across docbases, even accessing multiple docbases at once. These service-based objects are intended to be called from your own custom…


DFC Configuration

All DFC Configurations is performed in dfc.properties. DFC checks the configuration changes based on the value of dfc.config.check_interval property. The default is 30 seconds Configuration can also be done programmatically using DfPrefrences. These changes are not persistent Not all information can be updated programmatically    dfc.properties: An Example dfc.data.dir=C:/Documentum dfc.globalregistry.password=pIr+SciyEGuEv72thH1mEQ==…


Using DFC

Access Documentum functionality from one of your company’s enterprise applications. Customize or extend Documentum products like Desktop Client or WDK. Write a method or procedure for Content Server to execute as part of a workflow or document lifecycle.


Entry Points For DFC

DFC APIs comprises a number of packages, i.e. classes and interfaces Name of DFC Java class begins with  Df (example DfClient) Name of DFC interface begins with  IDf (example IDfClient) (Interface exposes DFC’s public methods) DFC encapsulates its client functionality in the   IDfClient interface, which serves as the entry point…


Processing Docbase Object:

Obtain an IDfClient object by calling the static getLocalClient method of DfClient. Obtain a session manager by calling the newSessionManager method of the IDfClient object. Use the sessionmanager to obtain a session with the Docbase, that is, a reference to an object that implements the IDfSession interface. If you do…


Introduction To Session

What is a session? The key to enter the repository Created as soon as the user is authenticated Maintains Connection with the repository Gives access to objects in the repository for the authenticated user. Create Object Query Objects Manipulate Objects Accessed through Session Handles How to get a session? Sessions…