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Location For DFC

  DFC Runs On : A Java virtual machine (JVM) The machine that runs Content Server.  For example, to be called from a Docbasic method as part of a workflow or document lifecycle. A middle-tier system.  For example, on an application server to support WDK or to execute server methods….


DFC Installation

There are two modes of installation of DFC: Standalone   – Installed as a part of client application. Configured information in dfc.properties. DFC.jar placed in WEB-INF/lib dfc.properties and log4j.properties files placed in WEB-INF/classes Applications can be configured with different dfc installation. Embedded – Deployed with web application Added to WAR or…


Object Types

List all attributes of a specific type, indicating which are repeating-valued (1=repeating): SELECT attr_name, attr_repeating FROM dm_type  WHERE name = 'type' Identify the supertype of a specific type: SELECT super_name FROM dm_type WHERE name = 'type' List all subtypes of a specific type: SELECT name FROM dm_type WHERE super_name = 'type' List…


Object Manipulation

Create a new object, setting attribute values, folder location, and associating a content file: CREATE type OBJECT SET title = '', SET authors[0] = '', INSERT authors[0] = '',APPEND authors = '', LINK '/a/b' SETFILE 'C:testpathabc.doc' WITH CONTENT_FORMAT 'test_format' Modify a specific existing object, changing attribute values and folder location:…


Content Server

How many concurrent connections are allowed by the Content Server: SELECT concurrent_sessions FROM dm_server_config What is the default location for server log files: SELECT log_location FROM dm_server_config List the machine names where connection brokers reside: SELECT projection_targets FROM dm_server_config What is the oldest client version from which the repository will…


Registered tables

Create Table in database: EXECUTE EXEC_SQL WITH QUERY='CREATE TABLE abc(a VARCHAR2(20),b INTEGER,c FLOAT)' Register specific columns from an external table and create indexes on some of the columns: REGISTER TABLE “abc” (“a” CHAR(20), “b” INT, “c” FLOAT,) WITH KEY “a”, “b” Return information from a registered table: SELECT “a”, “b”…


Other Syntax

AVG: Return only the average value from all that qualify: SELECT AVG(“b” + “c”) FROM “abc” WHERE “a” = '10' COUNT: Return a count of  a specific type objects in the repository owned by a particular user: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM type WHERE owner_name = 'tyler' COUNT(DISTINCT): Return a count of…



List all workflows supervised by the current user: SELECT process_id, object_name FROM dm_workflow WHERE supervisor_name = USER List all workflows supervised by any users within a specific list of users: SELECT r_object_id, supervisor_name FROM dm_workflow WHERE supervisor_name IN ('', '', '')  Return all tasks that were started a month or more late: SELECT task_number,…



What programming language is being used for the entry criteria and actions in a specific lifecycle (T=Java, F=DocBasic): SELECT java_methods FROM dm_policy WHERE object_name = '' List all validated and installed lifecycles in the repository: SELECT object_name FROM dm_policy WHERE r_definition_state = 2  List  documents that are attached to a lifecycle, and display…



List all alias sets and their aliases: SELECT object_name, alias_name, alias_value, alias_category FROM dm_alias_set  List all permission set templates in the system: SELECT object_name FROM dm_acl WHERE acl_class = 1