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EMC Documentum Products

Content Server EMC Documentum Content Server is the foundation of EMC Documentum’s contentmanagement system. EMC Documentum Content Server is the core functionality that allows users to create,capture, manage, deliver, and archive enterprise content.The functionality and features of Content Server provide content and processmanagement services, security for the content and metadata…


Technical Architecture

Key Features Security Documentum provides better security than a file system. With a file system, if someonehas access to your hard drive, they can pretty much read, edit, and even delete any file onthe hard drive. With Documentum, you can prevent any individual user (or group ofusers) from seeing the…


Client Layer

The client layer consists of basic applications for users to access the Documentumrepository. It includes end-user interfaces, administrator tools, and integrations withpopular authoring tools and enterprise applications. Applications on the client layer are built from reusable components that build on thecontent management service available from lower layers in the architecture….


Documentum Enterprise Content Management

Enterprise content management (ECM) is the category of software that helps you manageall of the unstructured information or content in your enterprise.This information exists in many digital forms as text documents, engineering drawings,XML, still images, audio and video files, and many other file types and formats.ECM helps you create content…


ECM Components – Deliver

The deliver components of ECM present information from the Manage, Store, and Preserve components. The AIIM component model for ECM is function-based, and doesn’t impose a strict hierarchy; the Deliver components may contain functions used to enter information into other systems (such as transferring information to portable media, or generating…


ECM Components – Store

Store components temporarily store information that isn’t required, desired, or ready for long-term storage or preservation. Even if the Store component uses media that are suitable for long-term archiving, “Store” is still separate from “Preserve.” Store addresses storing information during use and retention periods, Preserve addresses longterm digital preservation of…